San Diego Mid Winter Electric Meet 2001

There was so much to see. I could not put it all here.

This is what I captured from the camcorder.

Short files are 10sec clips.


C130.JPG (27480 bytes) cub.JPG (24359 bytes) copter.jpg (1801 bytes) mw/nightstik.JPG (28681 bytes) combat.jpg (19482 bytes)
C130 using geared B2 motors by Chuck Haverlah
Chuck's Scale Cub
Helicopter doing rolls and loops
Night stike  (F117A)
plans by Tom Hunt
No video
About a dozen planes in combat
microp51.jpg (34215 bytes) u2.jpg (103604 bytes) indoor4motor.jpg (26353 bytes) twinifo.jpg (95186 bytes)
Micro P-51 all foam conversion
Uses geared B2 motor
Chuck's U2
Chuck loves those B2 set ups
Dave's Falconette with 4 B2 motors Twin IFO
indoordiamond.jpg (29134 bytes) indoorflying.jpg (80467 bytes) indoorcombat.jpg (92579 bytes)
Diamond shape uses geared B2 motor Diamond model flying Two IFOs in combat