Loaded Antenna
Using a choke, you can shorten the length of your antenna to less than 12 inches
Effectively you should have the same range as cutting your antenna in 1/2.
Warning !
Modifying you radio in anyway may cause it to malfunction causing the lost of your model.
These measurements were done with the TX antenna extended 9'' 2 meters above the ground and the receiver (feather) antenna 1.5 meters above the ground.
flywire uses 6" wire after choke All lengths are for "B" | length does not include 4" from receiver to choke |
Data obtained from Rick Page who reminds us he is not an Electrial
Inspired by Ton Van Roon, CET Flywire
Make your own coil using 31 turns of #30 enameled wire (get it at Radio
Shack), closely wound on a piece of 1/8" wooden dowel. This equals the 1.5 uH choke.